Curriculum and Instruction in English 2
Listening Plan Unit: Shopping Topic: Price Prothomsuksa 6
Document Plan Chick>>Listening Plan.doc
Listening pmj
Speaking Plan Unit: Environmental Feature Topic: Sea Creatures Prathomsuksa 6
Document Plan Chick>>Speaking Plan.doc
Teaching speaking pmj
Writing Plan Unit: Education and Careers Topic: Jop Advertisement M.6
Document Plan Chick>> writing plan 1.doc
Writing plan unit education and careers pmj
These are some lesson plans of this class.
1. Listening Skill
2. Reading Skill
3. Speaking Skill
4. Writing Skill
Listening Plan Unit: Shopping Topic: Price Prothomsuksa 6
Document Plan Chick>>Listening Plan.doc
Listening pmj
Document Plan Chick>>Speaking Plan.doc
Teaching speaking pmj
View more presentations from Somthiti Prajamthin
Reading Plan Unit: Food and Beverage Topic: Food Tables Mattayomsuksa 5 Document Plan Chick>>Reading Plan.doc
Reading Plan Unit: Food and Beverage Topic: Food Tables Mattayomsuksa 5 Document Plan Chick>>Reading Plan.doc
Document Plan Chick>> writing plan 1.doc
Writing plan unit education and careers pmj
View more presentations from Somthiti Prajamthin